List of Courses Offered at the University of Venda
University of Venda list of Degrees and Programs/ Courses Offered is here therefore, Students are to take notes of the following courses:
If you have completed a higher certificate and You want to apply for admission to a diploma or degree at the University of Venda, please check below for the list of related qualifications. Please note that completion of a lower-level qualification, such as a higher certificate, is not a guarantee that you will be admitted to the higher-level qualification (eg diploma or bachelor’s degree), as spaces are limited.
List of Degrees and Programs/ Courses Offered at University of Venda
- Bachelor of Agriculture
- Bachelor of Family Ecology & Consumer Sci (Home Econs)
- Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
School of Education
Department of Curriculum Studies and Education Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: Educational Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: School Management and Leadership
- Bachelor of Education Honors in Educational Management
- Bachelor of Education in College Teaching
- Bachelor of Education Honours: Curriculum Studies
Department of Early Childhood Education
- Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Education
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education
- Bachelor of Education Foundation Phase
Department of Maths-Science and Technology Education
- Science Teacher Education Diploma
- Bachelor of Science in Education
Department of Professional Studies
- Diploma in School Library and Information Science
- Bachelor of Education Further Education and Training
School of Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (BEnvSc)
- Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Mining and Environmental Geology (BESMEG)
- Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Mine Surveying (BESMIS)
- Diploma in Mining Impact and Post-Mining Rehabilitation
- Bachelor of Earth Sciences in Hydrology and Water Resources (BESHWR).
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Bachelor in Disaster Risk Science
- Diploma in GIS & Remote sensing
- B.EnvSc
- Diploma in Natural Resource Management (DipNRM)
- Diploma in Mining Impact and Post-Mining Rehabilitation (DipMIPR)
- Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Certificate in Geographical Information System (GIS)
- BURP (Bachelor of Urban and Regional planning)
School of Health Sciences
Undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas:
- Diploma in Nursing Science (Bridging Course 2 years
- Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing 1 year
- BCur nursing Science (R425) 4 years
- BCur Praxis Extensa (Post basic with 3 options) 3 years
- BSC Nutrition 4 years
- BSc Biokinetics 4 years
- BSc recreation and Leisure studies 4 years
- BSc Sports Science 4 years
- Psych (Trauma Counselling) 4 years
School of Human and Social Sciences
The following degrees/diplomas and certificates are offered in the school:
- Bachelor of Arts BA
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Agriculture) BAgric(Ed)
- Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies BADS
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations BAIR
- Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development BAYID
- Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development BAYID
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Music) BA (Ed) (Mus)
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Primary) BA (Ed) (Prim)
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Secondary) BA (Ed) (Sec)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations BA (IR)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Work BSW
- Bachelor of Musicology BMus
- Bachelor of Pre-Primary Education B.Pre-Pri(Ed)
- Bachelor of Education in Science Education B.Ed(Sc.Ed)
- Bachelor of Education B.Ed(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education BEDECE (Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in College Teaching BEDCT(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in Education Management BEDEM(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education Guidance and Counselling BEDGC(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training BEDFET
- Diploma in Choral Studies DipCS
- Diploma in School Library and Information Science Dip Sc Lib
- Science Teacher Education Diploma STED
- Certificate Course in Business English and Communication CCBEN
- Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Education) CEEC
- Certificate in Educational Management CEM
- Certificate in Music CMUS
- Advanced Certificate in Education (Educational Management) ACEEM
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Biology Education (FET) ACEBEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Science Education (FET) ACESEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMES
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Natural Science Education (SP) ACENSS
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (IP) ACEMEI
- Advanced Certificate in Education – Natural Science Education (IP) ACENSI
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education ADCRE
- Advanced Certificate in Environmental Education ADCEE
School of Law
- Baccalaureus Artium (Juris Criminalis) BA (CRM) 3 Years
- Baccalureus Legum Undergraduate LLB (NU) 4 Years
School of Management Sciences
- Bachelor of Administration Extended Programmes
- Economics BADECX
- Human Resources Management BADHRX (in abeyance)
- Public Administration BADPMX (in abeyance)
- Bachelor of Commerce Extended Programmes
- – Accounting BCOACX
- – Business Information Systems BCOITX *
- – Business Management BCOBEX
- – Cost and Management Accounting BCOCMX*
- – Economics BCOECX
- – Human Resources Management BCOHRX
- – Tourism Management BCOTMX*
- Bachelor of Economics Extended BECONX (in abeyance)
- Bachelor of Administration Programmes
- Economics BADMEC
- Human Resources Management BADMPE (in abeyance)
- Public Administration BADMAP (in abeyance)
- BCom (Business Management)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Business Information Systems Degree
- Bachelor of Administration in Public Administration (BADMAP)
- Bachelor of Administration (BADMAP)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting – BComAc (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Cost and Management Accounting (BComCM)
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Programmes | Admission requirements | Duration |
Bachelor of Science (BSc Invarious disciplines) | NSC 34 + adequate achievement in Mathematics and Physical Sciences | 4 Years |
– Biochemistry – Botany- Chemistry – Computer Science and Information Systems – Mathematics – Microbiology – Physics – Statistics – Zoology | NSC 34 + adequate achievement in Mathematics and Physical Sciences | 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years |
Diploma in Freshwater Technology | NSC 24 with Diploma + 30% in English, (40-49% in 4 subjects and 50% in either Life Sciences, Agricultural Sciences or Physical Sciences | |
Bachelor of Science Foundation | NSC 26 with a bachelors pass + moderate achievement in English, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and any other related subject as judged by responsible departments. |